Factors Associated with Complaints of Musculoskeltal Disorderss (MSDs) in Section Workers Sewing at PT. X Year 2022
Background : Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are complaints felt by individuals ranging from very mild to very painful, especially in the musculoskeletal system, which is caused by a static load that is received by the muscles repeatedly for a long time. One of the jobs that has the potential to experience musculoskeletal complaints is a garment industry worker whose job requires considerable muscle exertion such as suturing. Because the work process carried out is always repeated for a long time with a static position, so it can cause damage to the musculoskeletal system. Research Purpose : The purpose of study is to determine about the factors related with complaints of musculoskeletal disorders in sewing section workers. Methodology : This research is quantitative analytic with cross-sectional. The population of this study was 493 sewing. Determination of the sample using a simple random sampling technique with as many as 135 respondents with the of quetionnaires, observastion, and physical examinations in data collection. Analysis of research data using chi square test. Result : The results showed that there was a significant relationship between gender (p-value = 0.012) and work attitude (p-value = 0.021), and there was no a siginificantl relationship between age (pvalue = 0.057), body mass index (pvalue= 0.984), exercise habits (pvalue = 0.294), smoking habits (pvalue = 0.306), length of service (pvalue = 0.221) with complaints of musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusion : There is a relationship between complaints of musculoskeletal disorders and gender and work attitudes.
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